Five Tips to Avoid Premature Tyre Cracking

Like humans, tyres also start to 'wrinkle' or crack as they get older. While the process is inevitable on some level — all car tyres eventually need to be replaced, and cracking is a signature sign of ageing — there are ways to reduce premature cracking. Consider these tips.

1. Safeguard From the Sun

As a general rule of thumb, if you would put sunscreen on your skin in the same situation, you may also want to give your tyres a bit of protection. When parking whilst out, always try to look for shady spots or covered parking garages. If you have to park in the sun, consider putting a cover over the whole vehicle that partially covers the tyres.

For vehicles in storage, use small canvas covers to shield the tyre's rubber from UV rays. Also, consider driving the vehicle occasionally — that prevents the tyres from resting on the same spot all the time. That continuous pressure can also lead to cracks.

2. Avoid the Curb

Like pressure, abrasion can also cause or exacerbate cracks in your tyres. Take care while parking not to hit the kerb or parking bumpers. If you accidentally hit one of these items, take some time to move the vehicle. Wedging your tyres against kerbs puts undue pressure on them, and if you're trying to avoid cracks, it may be worth the extra few minutes to repark your vehicle.

3. Rinse the Tyres After Exposure to Harsh Chemicals

Most car tyres are coated with special materials to help the rubber avoid oxidation and cracking, and if that coating breaks down, that can bring on premature cracking. Harsh chemicals or cleaners can break down the coating.

If you drive through areas with spilled chemicals on the ground or if you clean your vehicle with certain cleaners, make sure that you rinse off the tyres. Removing the chemicals or cleaners with water helps to protect the coating.

4. Consider a UV Protectant

You can also buy protectants for your tyres. These products boost the UV-resistant quality of your tyres. Talk with a tyre specialist to see which product they recommend.

5. Watch for Uneven Wear

As explained above, excess pressure on one part of the tyre can lead to cracking and other issues. Monitor your vehicle for issues like this. For instance, if your alignment is out of balance, you may be wearing certain parts of the tyres more than others. Cracks may start in those areas and potentially spread to the rest of your tyre.
